RAFT did a reset over the weekend, but was restored today by Ian ZL1AOX.
RAFT text-to-speech voice should again be operational.
But RAFT is overcharging in the sun and needs more use. If we can keep her loaded on the sunny side, then she WILL work. But without a heavy load, the batteries overcharge and the higher voltage causes the receiver to be deaf.
So we are going to change the operating authority to include unattended beacons VIA RAFT. Please include in your beacon your power, antenna gain and beacon rate. UNPROTO paths VIA ARISS, APRSAT, RELAY and WIDE should work.
Also, A CONNECT to RAFT will turn on the voice synthesizer and then it will speak any APRS messages sent to TALK.
ANDE will also digipeat these paths if in view too.
Enjoy! Bob, WB4APR