15 Nov
15 Nov
3:25 p.m.
Hi guys
This afternoon (15 Nov) I will do a work travel to EL91. If anyone needs this grid, please drop me an email for a schedule and I will carry my homebrew portable setup.
Hector, CO6CBF EL92
*************************************** Genius is one per cent inspiration, and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. -- Thomas A. Edison ***************************************
--- Free the Cuban Five! http://www.injusticia.cubaweb.cu/, http://www.antiterroristas.cu/ Participe en Universidad 2012, del 13 al 17 de febrero de 2012. Habana, Cuba. http://www.congresouniversidad.cu/ Consulte la Enciclopedia Colaborativa Cubana: http://www.ecured.cu/