I propose there be a Net Day every month on certain FM satellites starting with AO-51...
AMEN! We did this back with the VOICE Transponder on PCSAT-1. Not being an "AMSAT" we did not have to ask anyone. We just declared that the transponder would be on on such and such a day, and that operation would be via Net Control. TO my rememberance, it worked perfectly.
Net control simply called for checkins by category (EVER MINDFULL of exactly where the satellite footprint was optimum. Remember, those directy below the satellite have a 10 dB advantage over those on the edge...
We did this as a demonstration of how well NET CONTROL type operation would work on an FM satellite. At the time, of course, the Neanderthals opposed even the concept on an AMSAT. So we did nothing much elase... What we did not think of, is Ed's idea of a ONCE A MONTH exercise as a way of testing it and getting people used to it.
I'm all for it!
Bob, Wb4APR