This may be old news, but PEHEUNSAT-1 seems to be transmitting.I believe that I heard PEHEUNSAT-1 this evening.
Pass ended at 1000 UT (2300 local). Signals seemed to consist of a voice broadcast in Spanish followed by a short burst of carrier. I could not hear any modulation of this carrier and did not decode anything.
I have since googled and see that the downlink in the 2 metre band is at 9k6 b/s. I was still setup for NO-44 at 1200 b/s and of course 9k6 sounds much like noise to the human ear. The satellite may well have been transmitting data.
On hearing the signal, I retuned the rig and tracked the frequency by watching the discriminator output meter. The frequency decreased in a way consistent with Doppler shift.
I caught the last few minutes of the pass by chance, and only because the radio was still tuned to 145.8235 MHz (FM) after an earlier pass of NO-44.
I have another pass at 1129 UT (0029 local time) and I will try to be ready for that one.
Sil - ZL2CIA
Antenna: 6 ele hori - homebuilt. Rig: FT736R Parallel decoding of AX.25 using home built interface and AGWPE/UISS, and Heath Packkit 232