30 Dec
30 Dec
9:03 p.m.
Thanks, Steve. Good to know it's not just me. Let me know if you figure it out. I will do likewise.
Mark D. Johns, KØMDJ
Decorah, Iowa USA EN43
"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit,
you would stay out and your dog would go in."
---Mark Twain
----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen E. Belter [email protected]
To: Mark Johns [email protected]; AMSAT-BB [email protected]
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] BY70-1
I also get the “E/A-Fehler 105.” error message when I add BY70-1 to a
satellite group in SatPC32. Other people don’t have the problem.
The error message (in German) means I/O Error 105 in the Delphi
programming environment, which I believe is an error writing to a file.
What I can’t yet answer is how to fix the problem. We may have a file
permissions problem.
Anybody have a solution or know where to look?
73, Steve N9IP
Steve Belter, [email protected]
On 12/30/16, 1:20 PM, "AMSAT-BB on behalf of Mark Johns via AMSAT-BB"
<[email protected] on behalf of [email protected]> wrote:
>When I put keps for BY70-1 into SatPC32 (either yesterday's keps or
>today's), it pops up a box that says, "E/A - Fehler 105." SatPC32 freezes
>Does anyone know what this error code means? Anyone else getting it?
>Mark D. Johns, KØMDJ Decorah, Iowa USA EN43
>"Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit,
> you would stay out and your dog would go in."
> ---Mark Twain
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Greg D [email protected]
>To: AMSAT-BB [email protected]
>Sent: Friday, December 30, 2016 12:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] BY70-1
>18:20 pass not as strong as prior passes. Only got a few moments of
>full-quieting audio. Contacts with W5ACM and KC7M. As before, the
>second half of the pass was much better (nothing heard at all until just
>before indicated TCA), so perhaps the bird is late compared to the
>Keps. Worked it almost into the ground before LOS. I'm using
>2016-083C, updated from Celestrak right before the pass. Playing with
>polarization seemed to help, but I'm assuming the bird's antennas are
>linear, right? Possibly my relays are getting dirty.
>One question, for scale... We know that the satellite will not last
>"long", given it's crippled orbit. How long? Days? Weeks? Months?
>Greg KO6TH
>Nico Janssen wrote:
>> If you are still using yesterday's TLE set, then you will indeed find
>> that BY70-1 is now about half a minute earlier. The problem is that
>> the TLEs for this satellite are not stable yet in the first days after
>> the
>> launch. The right value for e.g. the decay rate has not yet been
>> established. So for the time being you need to make sure you use the
>> most recent TLE set that is available.
>> By the way, the two SuperView satellites are now using their own
>> propulsion system to increase their altitude, preventing an early decay.
>> As BY70-1 does not have any propulsion, it is stuck in its low orbit.
>> 73,
>> Nico PA0DLO
>> On 30-12-16 13:42, PY5LF wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> We had a low pass over here minutes ago and i felt the keps BY70-1 are
>>> wrong .
>>> I start to hear 25 seconds before . Does anyone feels the same ?
>>> 73
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