I recently obtained the UISS Satgate module. After downloading and installing I ran into several problems (self induced I am sure):
1. When trying to connect to satgate.aprsca.net:14580, I recv. the error message “Can’t connect to Satgate.aprsca.net:14580.” This happens when using the “Connect” command in the module.
In Prgm. settings the host is satgate.aprsca.net. The validation no. I am using is a 5 digit no. I recvd. from UIView many years ago (I had a viable satgate back when but discontinued for several years).
2. My “normal” UISS no longer displays incoming traffic nor the digipeat of my packets in RED. This situation exists whether I am in UISS only or have both UISS and and the Satgate open.
3. I am able to view incoming packets with some accessory routines but wud like to get back to seeing those nice “RED” incomings and obviously I would like a functional satgate
Any guidance appreciated. Mahalo Respectfully, And 73 Robert, NH7WN Honolulu
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