I'm finally going through with my tower plans and will have a platform for my satellite antennas that is for the most part above my trees. I'm trying to do a cost/value/reliability comparison for some Yagis. I want to put them up and have them stay up! They need to be high enough performance to work when we get an HEO satellite up again.
I have found the following antennas:
M squared http://www.m2inc.com 436CP42UG 2MCP22
Gulf Alpha http://www.gulfalphaantennas.com/ 70CM-16ELSat 2M-5ELSat
Hy-Gain http://www.hy-gain.com/ UB-7030SAT VB-216SAT
Does Cushcraft http://www.cushcraft.com still make OSCAR antennas?
I am interested comments from any and all experience with these antennas.
I believe there are lots M Squared's out there -- any complaints?
I have the dual band Gulf Alpha, and it is built ultra durable, but I am concerned if the mono band antennas are big enough.
Does anyone have the Hy-Gain antennas? They look like a bargain?
Any others I missed?
Thanks and 73, Joe kk0sd