KP4AO was copied in Wall Township, NJ (home of the first successful moonbounce experiment in 1946 (http://www.k3pgp.org/1946eme.htm)).
Equipment was set up in my backyard, and included a handheld 8-element quagi pointed toward the crescent moon through breaks in the cumulus clouds, 6 feet of RG/8 foam, a Yaesu FT-726R, and no preamp.
Many CW contacts were copied on Sunday 18-Apr-2010 between 1925 and 1954 UTC on 432.042 MHz, with many 5NN reports being given. The effects of Libration Fading were clearly evident on all transmissions making solid copy somewhat difficult during dips in signal level. Significant levels of RFI in the form of broadband hash and birdies radiated from neighboring homes raised doubt as to whether a preamp would have done much to aid reception. (Fortunately, the moon was at 70+ degrees elevation at the time, minimizing the noise.)
At one point, I hung the antenna from my clothesline and could still copy KP4AO! This is only fitting, since the 6 director string in my quagi were fashioned using clothes hanger wire. :-)
Congratulations and thanks to all involved!
73, de John, KD2BD