If the keps are right, the only things left are your QTH location set in SatPC32 and your computer time.
You might compare your predictions with https://www.amsat.org/track/index.php. I'm not sure if that uses your computer clock or an external clock but it is easy to check your own clock.
On Fri, Jul 2, 2021 at 10:40 AM crohtun via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
So… using nasabare for 7/2 didn’t help. The ISS was still about 10kHz above where SatPC32 was tuning the IC 9700. Had to enable the VFO and manually tune up to it and then follow it back down the band. Also still getting good signals after supposed LOS, down to -5 to -8 degrees. Had SatSat in front of me on the iPad watching the ISS az, el, range, altitude and Doppler at 100MHz, AOS/LOS times. It was all very close to what SatPC32 was displaying. Yet SatPC32 did not put the rig where the ISS links were. Only seems to affect ISS as far as I can tell. I really don’t get it.
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