14 Jun
14 Jun
7:15 p.m.
I might be the only guy who thinks you were right to suggest using plenty of power. Everyone else can fuss, but we all know how it is.
Maybe to keep everyone else happy it could have been stated "use the minimum power necessary to talk over every else." That's the reality of operating AO-51 (FM birds) on field day.
Unfortunately I (and our FD group) have not found enough power to talk through the FM birds the last few years. QRP isn't going to get it in the mid section of the country where we are.
Crank it up!
73 Ernie W8EH
Ford, Steve, WB8IMY wrote:
I am the person at the ARRL that authored the statement in question. It appeared in a Field Day special insert published in the June issue of QST.