I was able to hear the transmission on two passes tonight (0000 and 0139 UTC). The first pass was a tough one to hear, as I was driving on US-6 between I-70 and Provo near the DM49/DN40 grid boundary, with lots of rocks and mountains all around me. I could hear the middle 3 or 4 minutes of that pass with little difficulty using my IC-T7H HT and the Larsen 2m/70cm mobile whip on the roof of my truck. For the later pass at 0139 UTC, I was using my normal FM satellite station (IC-2720H with Elk Antennas 2m/70cm log periodic) outside the motel I'm in tonight located in DM49bq.
I recorded the 0139 UTC pass, since I did not get my laptop set up to receive the SSTV signals in real time. I have not fed the SSTV audio into my laptop yet, but will do that in the next day or so to see the picture. The four audio recordings were all very appropriate for the transmission, and I'm sure the photo will be as well - when I get to see it from my recording.
It has been nice to see the satellite activity commemorating this event over the past few days - VE3MOON, K5E, and the AO-51 transmission this evening. I've had the chance to work both of those special-event stations while on the road, and will appreciate receiving those QSLs.
Glad to see radio- and satellite-related chatter return to the -BB. Good night, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Nephi, Utah http://www.wd9ewk.net/