Some days we are seeing very strange behavior in the AO-7. In some orbits can only hear the feedback on the downlink when the satellite is approaching my station at about 30 degrees elevation, before is impossible to hear any signal via AO-7. Using two pre-amplifier, one in the TS 2000x and the other with 0.6 noise with 20 dB gain. During the orbits we transmiting power with of 30 watts. The satellite does not respond. Tried with 15 watts It was then that we hear at certain points on the downlink audio too low. Its best performance is when the satellite is almost 90 degrees from my station. Yet it seems that the satellite is asking for help.
This seems the batteries are not getting enough loads. Or maybe it's excessive use of power by the users of the satellite.
Maybe it's time for the users of AO-7 rethink the best ways to keep QSO through it, such as the use of LOW POWER so that over time the satellite is stabilized.
"Long live the AO-7"
Piraja, PS8RF
The Amateur Radio is supportive and helpful in any circumstance.
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