9 Dec
9 Dec
4:45 a.m.
I left the receiver on today while I was away. I captured some packets on 145.825!
I need some help identifying the source meaning of the packet:
From PSAT-1, what is APOFF telling me?
When the received packet is CQ via PSAT, ARISS, which satellite is it PSAT or iSS?
What are these destinations? Special callsigns? Fm N3FCX To S9UT2R Fm K1WY To TQTU7U Fm K0KOC-7 To 3Y2S1Y Fm KB1CHU To APEG02
What is the meaning of this packet? Fm r0VSp-8 To x-1 Via -3 <REJ R3 [DAMA]>[21:26:21]
Mark Lunday, WD4ELG Greensboro, NC FM06be wd4elg@arrl.net http://wd4elg.blogspot.com