4 Jan
4 Jan
5:36 p.m.
I'm using PstRotator with Omnirig to control my new FT-857D. I managed to get the computer and radio to connect, but I cannot get the TX and RX frequencies to display on the OmniRig side of PstRotator, My settings are... Rig Type: FT-857 Port: COM 3 Baud Rate: 4800 Data Bits 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 RTS: Low DTR: High Poll int ms: 500 Timeout: 4000
When in connects to the radio it only shows the RX frequency in OmniRig and it keeps changing the radios VFO to display a shortened frequency number... instead of 145.950 it shows 145.95. I then get a TX ERROR msg when you push the PTT and I end doing a reset to get the radio out of this mode. I'm stumped...