On 02/25/2011 8:13 PM, Ron Overdrive wrote:
There are 2 that come to mind: HamSat Droid and DroidSat. They both do different things and make a great combo. HamSat Droid is a satellite prediction app and DroidSat allows you to locate the bird in the sky like a spotter scope. So use HamSat Droid to predict the bird's pass and use DroidSat to aim your hand held antenna!
HamSatDroid is very easy to use and can download the AMSAT Keps file. But the output is merely text (azimuth/elevation). A map of the footprint would be really nice. 20+ years ago Instant Track displayed a footprint with a 20 MHz processor. Today's processors are vastly more powerful, but no Android application displays a footprint? I guess that's because only hams care about it...
Another useful Android application is "Grid Locator". Launch the app and it displays the 6-digit Maidenhead Grid of the phone's location. GPS must be enabled or it says you're in grid JJ00aa.
Wayne Estes W9AE Oakland, OR, USA, CN83