I've been working like a dog trying to get to the stage where I can hear myself on the FM sats and I am having no luck.
I have an Elk log periodic dual-band antenna, a duplexer, and two Baofeng UV5R radios. I think I've programmed the sat channels with the correct tones, but I've done all of my programming on these radios in CHIRP and I'm wondering if I'm doing it wrong somehow, since all my previous programming for tones was for repeaters - and CHIRP does that for me via RepeaterBook.
Does anyone who uses a Baofeng to transmit to FM sats have a sample line from a CHIRP file they could share so I can double-check my settings?
If my settings are right...is there an easy method to determine if my radios are actually sending out the correct tones?
Otherwise, I'm starting to think I bought a bum duplexer. I've verified the duplexer works on UHF against a local repeater.
Thanks for any ideas,
-- Devin L. Ganger (WA7DLG) email: [email protected]mailto:[email protected] web: Devin on Earthhttp://www.devinonearth.com/ cell: +1 425.239.2575