Wow, what a day. It all started this morning when I exchanged emails with Frank, K5FEG and Jeff, NX9B. Both of them expressed their need for some grids close to my QTH so I checked the weather outside and it looked pretty decent so I decided I would activate DN30.
In August of this year while I was checking out good locations on Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake for the Perceids meteor shower I found a great spot on the east side of the island with a great take off to the east. Unfortunately, it was in DN30 and I really wanted to operate from DN31 for the shower. This morning when I found out there was some interest in DN30 I immediately thought of the high spot on the island that would be an ideal spot to access low angle shots to FO-29 to the east.
So I packed up the car with my radio gear and camera and drove the 18 miles to the spot I had in mind. When I got there there was a little wind and it was a little cold but I figured I could withstand fifteen minutes of that. Since I was several hours early I drove back home and puttered around the house until it was time to leave for the island again.
When I got there the wind had picked up considerably and the temperature had really dipped, so instead of operating on the picnic table like I had planned I moved the radio gear back into the car and operated from there. Since the satellite didn't rise into the sky very high I didn't have much adjusting of the antenna to do. Here is a list of the stations I worked through FO-29 from DN30vx.
K4FEG, KB1RVT, AA5PK, N5JF, AC0RE, NX9B, K3SZH, KB0VXN, WB8RJY, NM3B, NX9G, WN9Q, K8YSE/7, and WA4NVM (I think).
Well, when that was over I dashed home, grabbed a bite to eat and drove to a park in west Kaysville, Utah in DN41aa where there was a big parking lot. FO-29 passed practically right over my location so I struggled to keep the antenna pointed in the right direction. the stations I worked from there were...
When I got home I uploaded all the QSOs to LOTW. I will also produce QSL cards for anyone who wants a hard copy. Just let me know.
Thanks for the fun! 73,