ANS is a free, weekly, news and information service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: [email protected]
In this edition:
* Recap of the Week of AMSAT-DL Earth-Venus-Earth Success * AMSAT Getting Ready for Dayton 2009 * SV1BSX Silent Key * Call for Papers--2009 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference * ISS Active on SSTV * AMSAT-UK, BATC, and RSGB Operate Parkside ARISS Contact * AMSAT-DC Spring Workshop Open for Registration * Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.01 Recap of the Week of AMSAT-DL Earth-Venus-Earth Success
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.01
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.01
As the outstanding technical achievement attained when an inter- national team lead by AMSAT-DL completed the Earth-Venus-Earth path on March 25 continues to reverberate throughout the Amateur Radio world a recap of the event and links to additional details is in order.
The team consisted of many well known amateurs including Wolfgang Büscher, DL4YHF; Freddy de Guchteneire, ON6UG; Hermann Hagner, DK8CI; Michael Lengrüsser, DD5ER; Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC; James Miller, G3RUH; Max Münich, DJ1CR; Hartmut Paesler, DL1YDD; and Achim Vollhardt, DH2VA.
AMSAT-DL President Peter Guelzow, DB2OS provided a report of the accomplishment from the 20 meter dish located at the IUZ Sternwarte Observatory in Bochum, Germany. The transmitter used a rubidium locked reference to generate about 6 kW CW on 2.4 GHz. The use of a magnetron for this purpose was possible thanks to a new AMSAT-DL developed modulator that enables a magnetron to be used for narrow band operation.
After traveling almost 100 million kilometers with a round trip delay of about 5 minutes, the transmitted signal was clearly received as echoes from the surface of Venus. FFT analysis software with an inte- gration time of 5 minutes was used. After integrating for only 2 min- utes the reflected signals were clearly visible in the display. Despite the bad weather, signals from Venus could be detected from 1038 UTC on until the planet reached the local horizon.
Receiving planetary echoes is a first in Germany and Europe. This also marks the farthest distance attained by radio amateurs. The dis- tance via the Earth-Venus-Earth path is over 100 times further than the echoes from the moon via EME reflexions.
The official Press Release: "First German Mars Mission makes sidestep to Venus" can be downloaded as .PDF here: http://www.amsat-dl.org/pic/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&... temId=7561 (careful with line wrap!)
A news item in German with additional pictures and information can be viewed at: http://www.amsat-dl.org//index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1... d=97 (careful with line wrap!)
If you click on the small spectrum analyzer photograph embedded on this page you will be able to view a larger photo of the received signal. A photo of the AMSAT-DL Earth-Venus-Earth team is the second one.
Bob McGwier, N4HY observed the equipment and software used can be iden- tified, "In the photographs attached to this press release, one can see the SDR-IQ (http://rfspace.com/Home.html) and Spectrum Lab (http://freenet-homepage.de/dl4yhf/spectra1.html)".
A video showing Karl Meinzer DJ4ZC and Freddy de Guchteneire ON6UG with the 2.4 GHz amplifier used for EVE which can be seen at: http://tinyurl.com/EVE13cmAmp
A video of the Amateur Radio Mars Orbiter P5-A presentation given at the 2008 AMSAT-UK Colloquium by Achim Vollhardt DH2VA can be seen via http://tinyurl.com/P5Apresentation
GO-Mars with AMSAT-DL's P5A Mission http://www.ticket-to-mars.org/
Jess, W4MVB expressed the admiration of Amateur Radio operators around the world in his message, "Congratulations to you and your team for this outstanding accomplishment! I simply can't believe how far we have come since I first heard OSCAR 1 & 2 transmitting "HI" from space. I feel privileged to be a witness to the kind of success our hobby has experi- enced thanks to you and all the dedicated amateurs around the world who have brought us to this point."
[ANS thanks AMSAT-DL; Trevor, M5AKA; Bob, N4HY for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.02 AMSAT Getting Ready for Dayton 2009
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.02
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.02
Gould, WA4SXM is looking for volunteers to help in the AMSAT booth during the 2009 Dayton Hamvention, May 15-17. He would like people to volunteer for 2 hour shifts on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mul- tiple shifts are welcome.
Also needed is help with booth setup on Thursday May 14 and and take down on Sunday May 17. With enough people we have been able to setup and take down the booth in 3 - 4 hours (or less).
Please volunteer to Gould, WA4SXM at [email protected]. This is a great opportunity to give back to AMSAT and to have an enjoyable time talking with other AMSAT members and future members.
Please visit the AMSAT website and follow the Hamvention information to find out the latest details on AMSAT activities at Dayton. Don't forget to order your banquet tickets via the website too.
AMSAT is also planning an number of activities and displays at Dayton highlighting our 40th Anniversary this year. Plan on visiting the AMSAT booth and relive 40 years of keeping amateur satellites in space.
[ANS thanks Gould, WA4SXM and Martha for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.03 SV1BSX Silent Key
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.03
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.03
AMSAT received the sad news this week that satellite operator Mak, SV1BSX became a Silent Key. John, LA2QAA and Al, GM1SXX noted that, "The entire Amateur Satellite fraternity and in particular EU-AMSAT suffered a great loss".
Mak was a founding member of EU-Amsat together with LA2QAA and GM1SXX, a group dedicated to Amateur Radio Satellite enthusiasts. Mak created the AO-7 DX list and was an avid AO-7 operator.
LA2QAA recalls Mak worked very many people on 'The old Girl' (AO-7) giving many operators their first AO-7 contact with Greece. He con- tinued, "It is both appropriate and fitting that so many operators offered their condolences on the AMSAT-BB for the very sad loss of my dear friend Mak SV1BSX. He was an inspiration to many newcomers to the satellite scene and his web pages will remain a source of ins- piration to future potential Amateur satellite operators."
Nader, ST2NH - Rest in peace my Elemer Mak SV1BSX. We well miss you the on air and on the list. My condolences goes to all EU-AMSAT, AMSAT-BB lists members and to his family. God bless your soul.
Terry, G1WPR - I'm very sad to hear the bad news about Mak, it was always a pleasure to say hi to him via the sat's. He will be sadly missed, goodby my friend.
Frank, IW4DVZ - I have no words ... to talk with him was, like ever, a pleasure. My condolences to his family, rest in peace my friend.
Joe, K3SZH - Mak made his last entry in the AO-7 Logger on March 14, 2009 with 2109 QSOs. He will be missed by all of us. The AO-7 group salutes you with our antennas pointed straight up.
[ANS thanks John, LA2QAA and Al, GM1SXX for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.04 Call for Papers--2009 ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.04
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.04
Technical papers are solicited for presentation at the 28th Annual ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference to be held September 25-27, 2009 in Chicago, Illinois. These papers will also be published in the Conference Proceedings (you do NOT need to attend the conference to have your paper included in the Proceedings). The submission deadline is July 31, 2009. Please send papers to:
Maty Weinberg ARRL 225 Main St Newington, CT 06111
or you can make your submission via e-mail to: [email protected]
Papers will be published exactly as submitted and authors will retain all rights.
[ANS thanks Steve, WB8IMY at the ARRL for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.05 ISS Active on SSTV
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.05
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.05
Charles Simonyi KE7KDP, a leading software pioneer and aviator, is back in space on his second mission to the International Space Station (ISS). AMSAT-NA Vice President of Human Spaceflight Will Marchant, KC6ROL noted, "Charles said this morning that he is planning to take more SSTV images. He will investigate the possibility of leaving the VC-H1 SSTV gear in automatic mode. He also plans to do more voice QSOs with the ham community. So you should monitor for SSTV and voice activity this week. I would appreciate it if you would upload any SSTV images you receive to the page at: http://www.amsat.org/amsat/ariss/SSTV/index.php
The ARISS downlink frequency for voice and SSTV is 145.800 MHz FM.
[ANS thanks Will Marchant, KC6ROL for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.06 AMSAT-UK, BATC, and RSGB Operate Parkside ARISS Contact
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.06
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.06
Parkside Community College in Parkside, Cambridge, U.K. held an Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) contact on Monday, March 30. RSGB station GB4FUN handled the connection between the school and Spaceflight Participant Charles Simonyi, KE7KDP/HA5SIK.
Howard Long, G6LVB and Ciaran Morgan, M0XTD provided live video streaming of the event via http://www.batc.tv. The video stream was very successful receiving connections from Puerto Rico, India, Netherlands, upstate New York, Canada, Marshall Space Flight Center, Johnson Space Center, and many in the UK including non amateurs.
The team is working on a video of the contact for release shortly. They hope to make this a regular part of future ARISS contacts in the UK.
[ANS thanks Howard, G6LVB and Ciaran, M0XTD for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.07 AMSAT-DC Spring Workshop Open for Registration
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.07
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.07
Greetings from the AMSAT-DC planning committee!
The 2009 AMSAT-DC meeting this year will be held on Saturday, April 25, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.
This year we have a series of workshops organized around the building, testing, and operating of a small simulated satellite kit. The completed kit, soon to be widely known as a PICetSat II module, is a simple remote sensing unit that serves as an expend- able high-altitude small balloon payload. It transmits downlink telemetry on the 70cm Amateur Radio band.
Once group will construct the PICetSat II module kit. Another group will assemble a ground station which involves providing and configuring radios, computers, and software needed to receive, decode, and analyze the PICetSat II telemetry.
If you plan on attending, chose one of the following options:
(1) PICetSat II module builder (room for only 10 participants) * current AMSAT membership * admission $90.00 (pre-paid) * bring a 25-watt pencil iron, holder, sponge, and your eye glasses if needed * you take your completed "flight ready" module home with you!
(2) Ground Station Component Provider (transceiver or Computer) to "share" during the workshop * current AMSAT membership * admission $20.00 (pre-paid) * Transceiver (room for only 3 participants) + Covers down to 433 MHz FM & SSB + Tunes in 1 kHz resolution or better + Audio cable (xcvr audio out) with 1/8 inch stereo end for computer + "simple" 70cm antenna, for example a random wire, dummy load, or "Arrow" antenna on a camera tripod * computer (room for only 3 participants) + XP operating system + MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) or OPEN Office + Willingness to install the PICetSat II software suite (to be provided on CD-R on April 25) + DB-9 Serial port connection, or proven USB to DB-9 converter + Soundcard with 1/8" stereo input that accepts audio line-level signal + WiFi "G", optional but recommended
(3) General Admission (10 slots available) * current AMSAT membership * admission $40.00 (pre-paid)
(4) AMSAT VIPs * AMSAT Lifetime Membership * Admission - FREE
To sign up - contact Martha at the AMSAT-NA office (301-589-6062) with your preference (Satellite Builder, Ground Station Component Provider indicating computer or transceiver, General Admission, or AMSAT VIP), fee payment, and your contact information.
Direct any technical questions to the event coordinators.
Event Coordinators: Pat Kilroy, N8PK ([email protected]) Bruce Semple, WA3SWJ ([email protected])
Slots are limited. First come, first served. YOUR RESPONSES AND ADMISSION REQUIRED TO MARTHA BEFORE: 5:00pm EDT Wednesday, April 16.
[ANS thanks Patrick Kilroy, N8PK and Bruce Semple, WA3SWJ for the above information]
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-095.08 Satellite Shorts From All Over
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 095.08
April 5, 2009 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-095.08
+ The status of New Zealand's AMSAT-ZL - KiwiSat - has just been updated. Check out their steady march to a launch at: http://kiwisat.org/index.html
+ Congratulations to Mike Fincke KE5AIT! He now holds the record for the most ARISS contacts on a single expedition as well as the most for multiple missions. Expedition 18 has now set the record for ARISS contacts by an expedition. Total number of ARISS ISS to earth school contacts is 426. Total number of ARISS supported terrestrial contacts is 22.
+ With 660 stations using the AO-7 logger worldwide 24 stations have made the 1000 plus list of QSOs. Five of those stations eclipsed the the 2000 mark: AJ9K Dan - 2001 QSO; N3TE Steve - 2045 QSO; 9A2SB Zlatko - 2103 QSO; OH8MBN Mika - 3000 QSO. Visit the AO-7 log page at http://www.planetemily.com/ao7/ao7log.php (via K3SZH)
+ LU2DPW now holds the first and second place standing for distance via AO-7. A CW contact between W4FDU and LU2DPW attained first place with 7537 KM. A contact between AA4FL and LU2DPW is in second place with 7524 KM. K3SZH and PY4AJ hold third place with 7438 KM.
+ PCSAT-1 (NO-44) orbit was in a full sun period until March 30. Control Station DK3WN notes that despite efforts to activate PCSAT it does not remain on for an entire pass due to unfavor- able illumination angles on the solar cells. PCSAT is only available during daylight passes on 145.825 MHz packet.
+ Iridium announced the company completed the replacement of the operational Iridium satellite lost in the collision three weeks ago with a non-operational Russian satellite on March 4. (via SpaceDaily Express)
+ The American and Russian pair set to take over the International Space Station (ISS) will be the first part of the doubling of its permanent crew. The launch from the Baikonur cosmodrome, Michael Barratt and Gennady Padalka, said their mission marked a new phase in the history of the ISS as the permanent crew is to be enlarged from three to six in May. (via SpaceDaily Express)
[ANS thanks everyone for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive additional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office. With that please keep in mind that should you accidentally eat the dictionary do not breathe a word to anyone.
73, This week's ANS Editor, JoAnne Maenpaa, K9JKM K9JKM at amsat dot org