15 Dec
15 Dec
5:41 p.m.
Is anyone using the IC-7000 and a KPC9612+ for 9.6k? I could sure use help in transmit settings. It receives good and keys the radio via port 2 on the tnc. The XMITLVL setting are currently at: XMITLVL 100/45. I have jumper J-20 in the default 'ON' position. CD is set at CD SOFTWARE/INTERNAL. I had to change from the default INTERNAL to SOFTWARE on port 1, but port 2 does not need to be to receive? I am wired using the six pin DIN on the back of the radio.
It works fine on port 1 (1.2k) with the 100 setting. I have tried port 2 settings from 1-65 with no luck. 9.6 packets are not being decoded. I don't have access to a service monitor. If someone could point out where I am messing up it would be appreciated.
kim - ac7yy