Thanks Alan!
I also have a bunch of those tiny chokes, and other small ferrites, and pi network filters for rf as well, and I will install them on my next USB to CAT project as you have suggested. (To be completed in the next few days from a kit.) I think that really is a last ditch effort since I believe the problem is not RF noise related, but rather a shortcoming in the Yaesu rig. But I have been wrong many times before and I have an abundance of crows that visit by back yard, I may have to make a meal of one!
I do find that reducing the update frequency in the tracker program 'current data' makes it less obnoxious, so that is good news!
So I will continue to work on RF noise abatement. Thanks for the response!
Thanks again Alan! Dave, KI4PSR
Alan P. Biddle wrote:
Something to try is to put a choke in series with the individual leads in the CT-62 line. These are small, about the size of a 1 watt resistor with the conductor through the center. They will have no effect on the relatively low frequency components in the CAT signal, but may help with the RF pulses. I used this very successfully with another interface, though each situation is different. I have a drawer full of them if you wish to try them. Also, you may be able to bypass the RF with some disc capacitors.
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