Drew: Good stuff, thanks!
As to your last statement, I certainly have no better ideas.
Press on, and thanks! 73, Jim
Andrew Glasbrenner wrote:
Yeah, but PL on stops non-hams from expending battery power. 73, Jim wb4gcs@amsat.org
Correct, but not quite that simple. The PTT part of PL hasn't been in use much for a host of reasons that I will not go into now. We could go back to it now, but I've asked the command stations to hold off until a few more pieces of software are ready, partially to retain continuity. Jim White is working on a program to fulfill an idea of mine that will allow a uplink with PL to turn on the downlink transmitter, then immediately switch to the no PL audio path. The repeater and downlink will then be on for n number of minutes with no PL required. After n minutes the downlink times out and another PL'ed uplink will start the loop over again.
This will allow us to do several important things simultaneously. We will be able to save battery power when the satellite is not over users, but at the same time we will not have the same degree of logjam problems because the PL will only be required once or twice per pass. Also as long as one person is PL capable, everyone in the footprint can play whether or not they have a PL capable radio. We'll also be able to hear the QRM and work around it and get rid of it.
With this system anyone will be able to use the satellite given one PL equipped station in the footprint. As common as it may seem to have PL here in the US, this will allow access to more operators worldwide, as well as allow more operators to afford the 2nd radio sometimes required to do full duplex. 2m FM HTs without PL can be had for practically nothing now.
I think this is the best possible combination of both modes of operation.
73, Drew KO4MA AMSAT-NA Vice President of Operations AMSAT LM 2332