Good Morning:
I recently wrote a Raspberry Pi application that uses the UDP transmission from SatPC32. Works like charm,. It selects the correct antenna (2M or 70cm) combos. It controls my crystal controlled WX receiver (auto selects the correct WX channel), selects the correct SDR / software setup for telemetry, etc.
Well, it worked like a charm until I encountered "OBJECT C" and "CAPE 3" in the elements. SatPC32's UDP uses a space as a data deliminator, so I get an error ( the satellite string has one too many pieces of data, 9 instead of 8) when SatPC323 starts to track one of these. That's OK. I just edit the keps file to read "OBJECT-C" and "CAPE-3" (which, by the way, is what it's called in all the literature). Well, it's NOT OK . It is pain in the neck. Every time I want to update my keps I have to remember to edit the file.
Do I have to live with this anomaly ? Or will the names become something without the space when they get their "official" designation?
Thank you, stay safe, Corvid free, and 73
Jim Jipping, W8MRR AMSAT #5512