Using Object C, E, and F, I did hear RAX-2 this morning but could not copy the data. Since I do not have an external TNC, I used the TS-2000 internal TNC.
For those who have the TS-2000, I set Menu 46=Main; Menu 47=9600 bps; Menu 48=TNC Band; and Menu 55=On. I then used HyperTerm to connect to the TNC and did a RESET. I turned Kiss=On, Mon=On, MCON=On, and MCOM=On. I disconnected from Hyperterm and ran RAX_Serial_to_TCP.bat; I then ran RAX_GS_Client.bat. The Summary Panel is being displayed and I received not errors from either BAT file. I have the Mode set to FM on 437.345 MHz. I had to manually tune (from 5 KHz above to 5 KHz below the center frequency during the pass) since the TNC is using the COM port negating any CAT control. As I said before, I am seeing a very strong signal on my S-meter about every 20 secs. Since 9.6K sound much like noise, I can not really distinguish the data from the noise.
Anyone have a suggestions as to why I am not displaying data?