Approximately two weeks ago, I ordered the book written by Steve Ford, WB8IMY, "Amateur Radio Satellites for Beginners" so as to complimentmy library of books on Ham Radio. USPS has terribly failed to deliver my book and their posting is not updated daily. Last update I received on their web site was April 27th and now, this morning it is May 2nd with NO updates. I noticed that USPS delivery trucks making deliveries with evenlarger packages then the book. I have no idea when I will receive it. Looks like I will wait another week and then just cancel my order. It took me over two weeks to receive an antenna from HRO Milwaukee. I was thinking about purchasing the IC-9700 for the SATS and 2M/70 cm repeaters. Now I have my doubts as to when I would ever receive it and in what condition it may be in when delivered. I was thinking about driving to Milwaukee to it curb side during this virus crisis, but that is a seven hour one way drive from my QTH. No wonder the wife keeps asking when will I give up the hobby.Totally frustrated...Jerry.....W8RQM