21 Jun
21 Jun
4:31 p.m.
Hi All,
We have had an anomaly on FUNcube-1 that required us to reboot the satellites MCU (Microcontroller).
After a bus freeze, the databus watchdog did kick in as expected and rebooted the satellite. However, we did need to command the satellite back on to automatic mode.
When we did so on the 20:00 UTC pass, it came back up in the correct mode.
We envisage to switch back to autonomous mode either tonight or tomorrow morning local time.
FUNcube is still happy and healthy. This is the 4th reboot since launch, of which one was intentional. Thanks for your reports and concerns.
On behalf of the whole team best 73s,
Wouter Weggelaar PA3WEG FUNcube team