It illustrates the problems that will be encountered it getting a common global allocation for the Amateur and Amateur Satellite services below 2.4 GHz.
What is happening in New Zealand is happening elsewhere, prime segments of the Microwaves bands being sold off to the highest bidder.
It is fortunate that New Zealand Amateurs have at least got the top four MHz, 2396-2400 and NZART are to be congratulated on managing to hang onto it at a time of great pressure on the microwave bands.
73 Trevor M5AKA
--- Terry Carrell [email protected] wrote:
Scare mongering?
It is of concern that this message may be taken to indicate that the New Zealand Administration is about to auction off Amateur Radio frequencies in the 13cm band.
No such thing is happening.
If, on the other hand, this e-mail was to encourage international bidders for the frequencies on offer, then one would need to express considerable concern as to their intentions and wonder if they were not trying to mount an attack on our jealously guarded amateur radio allocations.
IARU through its member Society, NZART, closely monitors spectrum allocation in New Zealand. NZART has a very strong team guarding our bands, and an excellent relationship with the administration, the M.E.D.
Similarly, AMSAT-ZL keeps a careful and jealous watch on allocations which may appear to, or actually do, encroach on the Amateur [radio] Satellite Service.
New Zealand is proud of the transparent approach taken by the Administration to allocations and usages of the radio Spectrum.
Readers should note the IARU policy of not interfering in the internal administration of Member Society countries.
Terry, ZL3QL. Honorary Life Member, NZART Inc.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Trevor" [email protected] To: "AMSAT BB" [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:03 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] New Zealand 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Auction
New Zealand 2.3 GHz Radio Frequency Auction
In November 2006, the New Zealand Cabinet decided to reconfigure the 2.3
spectrum rights and to allocate new rights by auction. The Government is planning to auction spectrum at 2.3 GHz in late May 2007. The rights expire
2010 but some of the rights may be available for access before this date.
The reallocation of the band will provide increased certainty for
investment in
new broadband wireless access services using this spectrum.
The Ministry of Economic Development seeks any comment from industry on the proposal arrangements before they are finalised. Any comments must be
to the Ministry by 5:00pm on 27 April 2007.
For more information, please contact: [email protected].
Documents Media Statement: Broadband Wireless Spectrum Auction Process Starts - http://www.rsm.govt.nz/auctions/auction09/media/index.html
Media Statement from Hon David Cunliffe, Minister of Communications (10
Radio Frequency Auction No. 9: Overview - including a summary of proposed auction rules, process and technical parameters (10 April 2007) http://www.rsm.govt.nz/auctions/auction09/overview/index.html
Radio Spectrum Auctions http://www.rsm.govt.nz/auctions/index.html
Radio Frequency Auction No. 9 http://www.rsm.govt.nz/auctions/auction09/index.html
73 Trevor M5AKA
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