Last update to include DCBB. All 9 amateur radio satellites from the CZ-6 launch are now identified.
Using detailed doppler measurements I find the following identifications:
XW-2A is object 40903, 2015-049E, (other IDs: XiWang 2A, Hope 2A, CAS-3A). XW-2B is object 40911, 2015-049N, (other IDs: XiWang 2B, Hope 2B, CAS-3B). XW-2C is object 40906, 2015-049H, (other IDs: XiWang 2C, Hope 2C, CAS-3C). XW-2D is object 40907, 2015-049J, (other IDs: XiWang 2D, Hope 2D, CAS-3D). XW-2E is object 40909, 2015-049L, (other IDs: XiWang 2E, Hope 2E, CAS-3E). XW-2F is object 40910, 2015-049M, (other IDs: XiWang 2F, Hope 2F, CAS-3F). DCBB is object 40912, 2015-049P, (other ID: CAS-3G). LilacSat 2 is object 40908, 2015-049K, (other ID: CAS-3H). NUDT-PhoneSat is object 40900, 2015-049B, (other ID: CAS-3I).
The Long March 6 (CZ-6) third stage is now object 40913, 2015-049Q.
DCBB was ejected from its mother-satellite Xinjishu Yanzheng 2 on September 20. Some other subsatellites will be ejected from their mother-satellites from the CZ-6 launch on October 20 or 21.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 2015-09-26 20:51, Nico Janssen wrote:
Another update to include NUDT-PhoneSat:
Using detailed doppler measurements I find the following identifications:
XW-2A is object 40903, 2015-049E, (other IDs: XiWang 2A, Hope 2A, CAS-3A). XW-2B is object 40911, 2015-049N, (other IDs: XiWang 2B, Hope 2B, CAS-3B). XW-2C is object 40906, 2015-049H, (other IDs: XiWang 2C, Hope 2C, CAS-3C). XW-2D is object 40907, 2015-049J, (other IDs: XiWang 2D, Hope 2D, CAS-3D). XW-2E is object 40909, 2015-049L, (other IDs: XiWang 2E, Hope 2E, CAS-3E). XW-2F is object 40910, 2015-049M, (other IDs: XiWang 2F, Hope 2F, CAS-3F). LilacSat 2 is object 40908, 2015-049K, (other ID: CAS-3H). NUDT-PhoneSat is object 40900, 2015-049B, (other ID: CAS-3I).
The Long March 6 (CZ-6) third stage is now object 40913, 2015-049Q.
Note that XW-2F is now object 40910.
Probably DCBB has not yet been ejected from its mother-satellite XSW-2. Some subsatellites will be ejected from their mother-satellites from the CZ-6 launch on October 20 or 21.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 2015-09-26 13:32, Nico Janssen wrote:
An update now that the satellites have separated a bit more and after some TLE sets have been moved:
Using detailed doppler measurements I find the following identifications:
XW-2A is object 40903, 2015-049E, (other IDs: XiWang 2A, Hope 2A, CAS-3A). XW-2B is object 40911, 2015-049N, (other IDs: XiWang 2B, Hope 2B, CAS-3B). XW-2C is object 40906, 2015-049H, (other IDs: XiWang 2C, Hope 2C, CAS-3C). XW-2D is object 40907, 2015-049J, (other IDs: XiWang 2D, Hope 2D, CAS-3D). XW-2E is object 40909, 2015-049L, (other IDs: XiWang 2E, Hope 2E, CAS-3E). XW-2F is object 40910, 2015-049M, (other IDs: XiWang 2F, Hope 2F, CAS-3F). LilacSat 2 is object 40908, 2015-049K, (other ID: CAS-3H).
The Long March 6 (CZ-6) third stage is now object 40913, 2015-049Q.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 2015-09-23 22:05, Nico Janssen wrote:
Using detailed doppler measurements I find the following identifications:
XW-2A is object 40903, 2015-049E, (other IDs: XiWang 2A, Hope 2A, CAS-3A). XW-2C is object 40906, 2015-049H, (other IDs: XiWang 2C, Hope 2C, CAS-3C). XW-2E is object 40909, 2015-049L, (other IDs: XiWang 2E, Hope 2E, CAS-3E). XW-2F is object 40905, 2015-049G, (other IDs: XiWang 2F, Hope 2F, CAS-3F). LilacSat 2 is object 40908, 2015-049K, (other ID: CAS-3H).
The Long March 6 (CZ-6) third stage is now object 40913, 2015-049Q.
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 2015-09-22 21:24, Nico Janssen wrote:
Using detailed doppler measurements I find the following identifications:
XW-2A is object 40903, 2015-049E, (other IDs: XiWang 2A, Hope 2A, CAS-3A). XW-2E is object 40909, 2015-049L, (other IDs: XiWang 2E, Hope 2E, CAS-3E).
73, Nico PA0DLO