Note that the TLE set for object 42822 is useless in this form: the decay rate and B* term have unrealistically high values. You could replace these with values similar to the other TLE sets, but probably it is best to wait for a new, realistic TLE set.
(Btw NORAD is not involved anymore in the TLE database. This is now maintained by the 18 Space Control Squadron (18 SPCS). Up to early April this year this unit was called Joint Space Operations Center (JSpOC).)
73, Nico PA0DLO
On 08-07-17 03:15, Naomi Kurahara wrote:
Dear all,
Update from BIRDS-1 operation team.
NORAD released TLEs for 5 satellites. Followings are copied from celestrack.com https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/tle-new.txt
1998-067MU 1 42820U 98067MU 17188.49472944 .00022637 00000-0 33880-3 0 9999 2 42820 51.6459 297.1078 0000191 112.5053 305.7240 15.54882633 39 1998-067MV 1 42821U 98067MV 17188.49472936 .00006293 00000-0 10000-3 0 9990 2 42821 51.6396 297.1033 0001708 338.7786 79.4174 15.54740082 11 1998-067MW 1 42822U 98067MW 17188.49484483 .99999999 00000-0 14670+1 0 9997 2 42822 51.6217 297.0661 0007364 19.4356 39.3809 15.53489700 16 1998-067MX 1 42823U 98067MX 17188.49472920 .00006283 00000-0 10000-3 0 9994 2 42823 51.6675 297.1562 0002633 83.1009 335.0641 15.54702773 12 1998-067MY 1 42824U 98067MY 17188.50049884 .00006258 00000-0 10000-3 0 9998 2 42824 51.6514 297.0980 0010323 341.8797 108.4603 15.54572798 13
It seems that 1998-067MU (NORAD Catalog ID 42820) is Bangladesh satellite.
Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN
2017-07-08 5:38 GMT+09:00 M5AKA via AMSAT-BB [email protected]:
BIRDS-1 constellation of five CubeSats deployed from ISS https://amsat-uk.org/2017/07/07/birds-1-cubesats-deployed/
ARISS SSTV Commemorative Activity https://amsat-uk.org/2017/06/21/ariss-sstv-commemorative-activity/
Sisters planning solar eclipse APRS balloon http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2017/june/sisters-planning-solar-eclipse- balloon.htm
Book now for AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Milton Keynes October 14-15 https://amsat-uk.org/colloquium/
Trevor M5AKA
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