In my discussion on Faraday rotation, I COMPLETELY forgot about the person using a linear polarized antenna.
HMMM! I guess i forgot is because my very first 2 meter up-link antenna was a turnstile, actually on the ground. The second was a linear yagi , mounted horizontally and I lived with the limitations. The third was a pair of yagis, one horizontal and one vertical. I switched between them, Then I made a phasing harness to make the two together be circularly polarized. By the way, all of this was "pointed" with a pair of the trusty Alliance Tena Rotators and the weirdest of all arrangements of gears, etc.
WELL, where does that leave me ?? Faraday is still right. Rotation Is going to happen and something has to be done to accommodate it to get maximum signals.
It's been good day, staying home and working satellites or changing HF bands with propagation shifts to work FT8 or capturing data from AO-91, 92, 95 with my Fox-in-a box.
Hope you all a having a good day!
Jim, W8MRR AMSAT #5512