... what is abundantly clear on AO 51 is a lack of respect for your fellow operator ...
I live in the most populous region of the U.S.' most populous state. I state this because the potential for abuse with this concentration of hams should be evident here. But I have no idea what you are referring to. Sure, the FM birds get busy during "prime time" passes. But "lack of respect" being displayed on the air? Nonsense. First-time sat operators are as welcome and acknowledged - as are the experienced operators.
... I consider myself somewhat of an iconoclast ...
Although you might believe you are one a who effectively attacks cherished beliefs or institutions, true iconoclasts destroy religious symbols, or, by extension, established dogma or conventions. No, your baseless arguments do not merit that label. More appropriately, you're merely dissatisfied and rebellious. That's being a "malcontent."
Clint Bradford, K6LCS 909-241-7666
-------------------------------------- Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666 - cell