Hamfests are back and Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) is having theirs again for the first time this year since the pandemic started. We'll have an AMSAT booth organized by Philip, N4HF, a forum organized by Ernie N4AEW, and satellite demos organized by me. Andrew, N4LAZ will be answering questions during the demos.
These are the passes I'll be on:
FO-29 @ 13:35z (TX ~145.970) AO-91 @ 15:06z HO-113 @ 15:17z (TX ~145.86)
The AO-91 and HO-113 passes are to the east. FO-29 is to the west but still pretty high for me so won't cover all of the west coast.
If you're in range and awake we would love to hear you! Please call KG4AKV and give your state/city if possible.
73, John Brier KG4AKV
Ernie is planning on bringing a G-5500/IC-9700/Mac Doppler based satellite station to the booth, which won't be operational through the metal roof of the building, but should be cool to see! This will be a pretty good showing for AMSAT/satellite ops for RARSfest!