Another possibility and one that I also use is the LabJack U12/Piggyback combination (I also have the LVB). The Piggyback you will need to build since Nova no longer sells it. The plans may be found in one of the documents that you can get for SatPC32.
The U12 can be found at The Piggyback can be found at
Hope this helps.
73, Charlie AJ9N One of the ARISS mentors
I don't see the LVB being sold in the AMSAT store at the moment, so this might be an alternative for you.
In a message dated 7/26/2015 5:05:47 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, [email protected] writes:
Wanting to upgrade my ham computer from XP/P4 to something newer and faster. Have used Nova, AEA ST-1, and Yaesu G-5500 for ever. Have a nice HP quad core machine with W7, that I cannot get to work with the ST-1, says cannot initialize port. Tried a couple of other units with same results, so I suspect it has something to do with the newer parallel ports.
So what am I missing ???
I would prefer to use a USB port of course, but cannot find any controllers now that are ready to go, or will work with Nova. I am trying to stay with Nova and the Yaesu G-5500
What is everyone else using these days?