Good afternoon list readers ...from sunny Havana where we have just completed while ago several AO27 QSO's ,despite a very poor location, sorrounded by buildings... Anyway both CO6CBF /2 EL83tc and CO2KK El 83tc, from my Nuevo Vedado QTH, it was possible to work stations using the FT817 for receiving, with the help of a nice GasFet preamp that Hector uses regularly with his portable station.
Now we want to try FO29, and need to know how to set up the FT817 so that when it transmits on the 2 meters band, it then will receive on the 70 centimeters downlink. I have never operated the FT817 on two bands that way.... but once heard that there was a way of making the rig do that .
Please send mail to coro at enet dot cu,and add a copy to arnaldo dot coro at gmail dot com
73 and DX plus see you all soon via satellite...
Arnie Coro CO2KK together today with CO6CBF Hector visiting Havana