This is from the 2016-03-27 2111Z SO-50 pass over North America.
Here are the all the stations heard on this pass, when they were first heard. There were 19 in all:
00:02 KG5CCI 00:06 K4FEG 00:13 N8HM FM18 00:28 N4UFO 00:45 KM4RTS EM90 01:01 W4DTA EM55 01:40 KA4H FM17 01:58 KI4RO 02:09 WA5KBH EM30 02:22 KG4AKV FM05 03:38 W5PFG EM21 04:01 KC1EXK FN41 04:55 W4HH FM17 06:33 ??3GNF EN82 (partial callsign heard, full call heard at 08:20) 06:43 N0VVV FN33 06:47 ???QJQ FN30 (partial callsign heard, full call heard at 07:09) 06:57 W2JV 07:09 WA2QJQ (full callsign heard) 08:20 VE3GNF (full callsign first heard) 09:27 KA3RLZ FN42 09:42 K8II EM79
73, John KG4AKV
If I got any information wrong let me know and I can overlay annotations on the video using YouTube.