3 Apr
3 Apr
4:30 a.m.
Can you be in at once? I mean we are pretty small on the scale of things, so how can you give out more than one grid square at a time?? I mean really, I hear it all the time. What do you do, put your antenna on one grid square, run some coax over and set your radio up on the other grid? Ok boys, hear is DM09 and DM08!!! Her - ert duh, how about I drive to where the four corners of four grids meet, stand right in the middle of that and give out all four of them at once?
Is this how it is done. Just does not seem right to me, seems like cheating. Seriously...Is there not some kind of rules or something?
I think I will leave it at that before I get too offensive.
Kevin KF7MYK