4 Aug
4 Aug
10:11 a.m.
The popular ICQ Amateur Radio Podcast has been running for over 11 years and on August 4, 2019, the ICQ Podcast team released their 300th edition which features an interview with Treasurer and Past President of AMSAT Keith Baker KB1SF, listen at https://amsat-uk.org/2019/08/04/amsat-in-300th-icq-podcast/
SSA defends 23cm band against Galileo threat https://amsat-uk.org/2019/08/01/ssa-defense-of-23cm-band-against-galileo-thr... AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Milton Keynes October 12-13 https://amsat-uk.org/colloquium/
Trevor M5AKA ---- AMSAT-UK http://amsat-uk.org/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AmsatUK Facebook https://facebook.com/AmsatUK YouTube https://youtube.com/AmsatUK ----