Hi folks,
My HF transceiver, and ageing Yaesu FT767GX, is slowly dieing. After 22 years in my service (and a few more with the prior owners), the memory battery has failed. The rig still works, but gets a factory reset whenever turned off. Annoying.
I have an opportunity to pick up a clean Kenwood TS-870-AT, which I expect would make for a fine replacement, but I've always thought that the Yaesu FT-847 would be a better choice. My current satellite rig is a Yaesu FT-736R, which I really like.
As a satellite rig, is the 847 significantly better than the 736R? Does it have any annoying "personallity" traits (e.g. Kenwood TS-2000's 148.800 birdie)?
Before I pass up the Kenwood 870 (and while there's a Yaseu 847 on eBay...), should I jump on one or the other, or muddle along with what I have until something better turns up?
Greg KO6TH