27 Jul
27 Jul
4:32 p.m.
At 05:27 PM 7/27/2023 +0000, [email protected] wrote:
My FD interfaces SatPC32 with a Yaesu G5500DC. I am using SAEBRTrackBox as the SatPC32 setting. SatPC32 is running on a W11 laptop. To interface with FD required installation of a CH340 driver for the com port to FD.
HyperTerminal wasnât necessary for FD installation. I didnât have it and found that getting it and using it was more complicated than manually following the prompts from FD.
GL and 73,
Ray KN2K
Thanks to everyone for the advice, I just want to be up to speed for when the Fox-delta gets here. Will be using it with my old Yaesu 5400B. Still haven't found LVB command list to use with terminal program for manual testing.