You need to edit Prior.sql.
From the manual...
*3. Prior.SQF*
The program performs automatic satellite switching for satellites with a priority setting. This works as follows: If no priority satellite is in hearing range, the program switches to a priority satellite as soon as that satellite's elevation reaches the minimum elevation angle, provided the satellite effectively comes into hearing range.
If during the hearing range of a priority satellite, another one with higher priority shows up, the program switches to that one, but only at elevation 0 to avoid reception time losses. If a priority satellite reaches LOS, the program switches to a lower priority satellite, provided it is in hearing range.
The file contains the names and priority degree of the satellites with a priority setting. A maximum of 9 satellites can be entered. The satellite with the highest priority 1 has to be first in the list, the satellite with priority 2, second etc. If the program is used in conjunction with WiSP, priority settings in both programs have to be the same.
Sent from my Galaxy S9
On Thu, Jan 2, 2020, 2:19 PM Thomas Schaefer via AMSAT-BB < [email protected]> wrote:
There is a feature to automatically switch to the next satellite. I have it enabled (A+ in commands).
But when a satellite goes past LOS, it does not switch to next. Is the idea that is will switch to the next one at AOS?When I say it does not switch, the frequency and active sat / letter does not change.
Is the program supposed to change automatically to the next satellite in the list of upcoming passes?
Tom NY4I Blog: www.ny4i.com Madeira Beach, FL (Grid: EL87ot)
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