I was not on NO-84 today, but there may have been a 10 m north/south band opening. I do not think only 30w will turn on the FM transmitter from North America. During good band openings, I have seen LU and PY stations turn on the satellite. If what you saw were terrestrial stations, the traces should have been skewed, probably at different rates.
I use NO-84 regularly, it takes 80-100 watts into a 1/2 wave vertical to keep the FM transmitter turned on. The downlink signal is strong and EZ copy, but however, when noise is high on 10 meters, it re-transmits this noise onto the FM downlink, making for hard copy.
2315Z pass.
I could see someone in the passband, but it showed as 6 traces rather than one. Does that mean the transponder was overdriven with PSK?
I attempted to see if I could get through and at least see my downlink, but no luck. I figured even without the Doppler-compensated software, I should see my signal..30 watts to an off-center-fed dipole at 56 feet.
Thoughts/suggestions welcome.
Mark Lunday, WD4ELG Greensboro, NC FM06be wd4elg at arrl.net http://wd4elg.blogspot.com