Yes, I'm that sick.
I'm working on solving the predicion problem with a pencil and paper. I've taken quite a bit of calculus, but that was quite some time ago.
Please reply directly. I'll make sure your fine words get back to the list once the details are sorted out. I'd appreciate direct email replies and I'll summarize to the list.
I have tracking software, I don't need to track via pencil and paper, I just want to know how to do it by hand.
I'm refering to the ARRL book AMatuer Satellite Handbook (Davidoff)
I'm starting with the Keplerian data for AO-7 from Keplerian Bulletin 78, ARLK078.
The epoch time is Oct 10, 2008 at 15:45:01.72Z
I attached the kep file for AO-7 for reference.
Any reference to values is about AO-7 from that Keplerian Update.
Here are my questions:
First to get the terms and understanding correct -- the Mean Anomoly is listed as 320.9603 deg.
Is this the value of E that is used on page 12-4 to 12-5, and I quote:
"In an eliptical orbit, time from perigree, t is given by:
t = ( T / 2pi) * (E - e *sin(E)) [ eq 12.10 ]
where the angle E, known as the eccentric anomaly, is defined by the associated equations:
E = 2 * arctan( sqrt( (1-e)/(1+e)) * tan ( (theta)/2 ) + (360deg * n)
n = 0 when -pi <= theta <= pi or 1 when pi < theta <= (3pi)"
OK, so it says E (the eccentric anomaly) is a function of theta and eccentricity.
Eccentricy of the orbit is in the Keps.
Let's just assume I'm trying to compute the lat/long of AO-7 at the epoch.
Is the RAAN in the Keps the longitude of the satellite at the epoch?
Is the mean anomaly the longitude of the satellite at the epoch?
I need the value of E to compute the value of t for this reason:
(skip ahead to page 12-18 from the Handbook mentioned above)
Finding latitude of the satellite, phi, at perigree is:
phi(p) = arcsin( sin(i) * sin(w) )
where i = inclination, w = angle between the ascending node and perigree.
Using equation 12.23, to find that latitude of the SSP:
phi(t) = arcsin ( sin(i) * sin( phi(t) + w) ) [Eq. 12.23 ]
Is that a misprint? the value of phi(t) depends on phi(t) ?
The gap here I'm trying to understand is, computing t (the elapsed time since the ascending node) so I can plug it into the formula for latitude [ phi as a function of t, phi(t) ]
Summary of questions:
Which data from the kep do I use to compute t based on equation 12.10
What does RAAN and Mean Anomaly mean at the Epoch?
Is the bird at latitude zero at epoch?
Computing a from Keplers laws, a = 31.25 * T^(2/3).
Is this T the Anomalistic Period?
Using that value of a, and eccentricity e, I can compute
w_dot = 4.97 * (Req/a)^(3.5) * (5 * cos^2(i) -1)/ ((1-e^2)^2) [eq 12.13a]
How does w_dot relate to ang of apogee from the kep data?
ps. Again, reply directly -- this sort of question can make enough spam on the DL to last you through Festivus.