Supposedly the Wouxun KG-UV9D as well as the 8D Plus are/were true full duplex radios.  I saw this discussed in a YouTube video (Ham Radio Concepts back in 2019).  I haven't had a chance to verify this myself so I say "supposedly" and leave it to you to do the research (and report back if you get one?) There looks to be a "new" version of the 9d so I'd certainly verify that the new radio still possesses that capability.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 11:06 AM JOHN GEIGER via AMSAT-BB <> wrote:
Do any of the current crop of Chinese FM mobile radios (TYT, Wouxun, Baofeng, etc) do 2m/70cm full duplex for the satellites?

If so, which models?  I know some do dual receive, but so did the Yaesu FT7100 but it didn't do full duplex.

73 John AF5CC

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