28 Apr
28 Apr
5:37 p.m.
Hi all,
we heard Delfi-C3 again on the 2115 pass over the groundstation and heard the spacecraft boot during the pass when she got out of eclipse. Actually, PA3WEG and I are sitting at home controlling the GS via VNC/Skype... worked fine:) Strong sigs again. We can confirm the earlier reports by G0MRF and G8ATE of the sudden dropout of the TX at 145.930. We have observed this on previous passes, usually, the TX comes up on again after a few secs but not so this time. But the "free reset" we got when getting out of the eclipse that followed got it running ok again. We are receiving quite some telemetry on our server, thanks a lot to all of you listening!!!
Time to go to bed now:), more updates tomorrow.
Wouter Jan Ubbels PE4WJ