On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Paul Stoetzer [email protected] wrote:
. This brings me back to my original point, if people can't be bothered to check which satellites are active,
Google "amsat mode a". First hit here (YMMV!) is "Amateur Satellite FAQ - Amsat" at http://www.amsat.org/amsat/intro/sats_faq.html
It's a document that describes all the great stuff you can work, like MIR and OSCAR-21 and AO-13. Go ahead and get a copy from the Clear Skies BBS - the number is listed! That FAQ is old enough to legally consume alcohol in all 50 states, BTW, having turned 21 at the end of last year.
That's hardly the only instance of obsolete info on the AMSAT website. When I google "what ham satellites are working?" the first AMSAT hit I get is "Working your first Amateur Satellite!" by VK3JED (http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/information/faqs/langdon.php). I'm sure it was quite accurate when it was written, which was apparently around the time SUNSAT was was launched. That page is now eligible to hold a driver's license in most states.
So let's not be too hard on random people trying to find information.
And yes, taking a cue from the "Volunteer For AMSAT" page, please sign me up for "Web site information maintenance".