28 Feb
28 Feb
4:12 p.m.
Hi Roland,
Thanks for sharing the information.
Can you explain how you combine Satcontrole and SDRSharp? Isn't there a conflict regarding who is controlling the FUNcube Dongle?
Can you tell me how you configure Satcontrole and SDRSharp? I have a FUNcube Dongle Pro and Pro+ (The last one i got operational with Satcontrole by changing the IO_Ext DLL)
73 Jan PE0SAT
On 28-02-2013 20:12, Roland Zurmely wrote:
See here my setup for direct receiving STRaND-1 (no recording):
73 de Roland PY4ZBZ
With regards PE0SAT
Internet web-page http://www.pe0sat.vgnet.nl/