On 27 May 2010 at 12:19, Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
Where does one find this information?
You can find info about the Galaxy sats at http://www.intelsat.com/_files/network/satellites/Satellite-Guide.pdf It has footprint info at the beginning, and the transponder layout at the end. The SES web page doesn't seem to have the transponder info anymore, but it's pretty much the same except the H/V transponders are reversed, but still 90% overlapped. Relative to what signals are on the various sats, try http://www.lyngsat.com/america.html AMC-11 link is at bottom right, and the Galaxy-12 is the replacement for Galaxy- 15. Most sats have more of a mixture of wide and narrow signals, but AMC-11 pretty much has signals that are either 20 or 30 MHz wide, as determined by the sample rates. Ie a sample rate of 19510 is approximately 20 MHz wide, a 29270 SR is about 30 MHz wide.
Bill Jones N3JLQ Sweden Maine [email protected] http://www.megalink.net/~wejones
303rdBG page http://www.eskerridge.com/bj/303rdbg/wwii.html