To those who are building new amateur communication transponders, especially linear transponders in the UHF and VHF bands, best wishes for success. I wish there were more of you. Maybe there will be.
I will build more, and if you ask me we will have plenty of transponders to operate. I am extremely proud to be able to say that I am part of the Delfi-C3, AMSAT-UK and AMSAT-NL teams that have built five transponders that are in orbit. Not all of them are functional anymore. Nayif-1 will carry the new and enhanced design that should prove to be more frequency stable.
I've got some other opportunities lined up as well, so expect more. We are thinking about other payloads as well, but I'll keep dotting the sky until there is no more excuse not to work satellites ;)
In all seriousness though, we are thinking about different applications as well, because we can't put up linear transponders forever.
Wouter PA3WEG