On Mar 29, 2022, at 6:19 PM, Jack Blake <[email protected]> wrote:I haven’t had any luck with MO-112. Are you using the PSAT ground station software? I have had good luck with FS3. That product sounds interesting?On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 12:59 AM Jean Marc Momple <[email protected]> wrote:Good Day to all,Thanks for the feedback.Yes it seems that there is no 1200baud active these days, I tried many (including the Bird series) without success.The reason I was asking was that I had some doubt about my setup as I just changed from the Signalink TNC (red transformer) with which I had about 50% success at 9k6 on the uplink to a MicroHAM DXP which is really a nice gear with 100% success now. E.g. yesterday I made about 30 digipeats in one MO-112 pass with max 2 ele. 28 deg., basically 100% success horizon to Horizon.As regards F3, it is sleeping these days per from the last message I downloaded from Mark (N8MH) he was going to let it rest in an attempt to reduce the frequent shutdown which was recurring lately.I will continue to try the other birds.73Jean Marc (3B8DU)On Mar 29, 2022, at 2:38 AM, alex weimer <[email protected]> wrote:Jean Marc.. as per your request on the amsat-bb right now there are no active digipeaters on 1200 baud since the ISS cross band repeater is working they have the digipeater shut down. The only other Digipeater is NO-44 which is up and down so you have to watch the satellite status page. The ISS has a 9600 baud beacon on the cross band repeater downlink but no didgipeater.
the only other active digipeater is Falconsat-3 which is 9600 baud.
Have a great week 73 JACK KC7MG
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