For sure lots of junk out there, and likely some in "HEO" but more likely really GTO that's left over from getting things up there. Leftover junk takes a pass at the Foxes frequently, which makes me wonder who the space junk really is when people claim that's what our CubeSats are. Don't mention -Cliff I still haven't finished a failure analysis (mostly because Spaceflight and SpaceX aren't talking).
So was it moving in a generally north-south way, or more of an east-west lower latitude way? And I'll take the opportunity to plug my favorite Android app Heavens Above Pro which would tell us right at the time but then you lose the fun of speculating and bonding over satellite stuff (before you give up and look it up). hihi
Jerry Buxton, NØJY
On 7/24/2020 12:58, Clint Bradford via AMSAT-BB wrote:
While looking for the comet from Southern California last night (too low to see through city lights), I saw something right above me … moving …
Way too slow to be what I would call “low-earth” stuff …
Which meant is was much higher? Is there “HEO junk” out there?