Thanks to all the stations I heard and worked on the 0133 UTC AO-51 pass this evening. I was standing outside the meeting room on the Thunderbird School of Global Management campus in Glendale AZ (grid DM33vo), and the demonstration took place just before the start of the ThunderBird Amateur Radio Club's monthly general meeting. I also gave a satellite/AMSAT presentation during the meeting.
For the AO-51 pass, I worked 13 stations from central Mexico up to Alaska, and as far east as Winnipeg and Memphis. Thanks to all for the QSOs, and my apologies to N5JDT and VE6RVT/W7 - I heard you during the pass, heard you again when playing back my recording to make my log entries, but did not work you in there. I also heard from a couple of others who heard the pass, but could not get through themselves. I appreciated the crowd that showed up for the pass, and the variety of locations for a predominately western North America pass.
I gave a presentation for this club in March 2007, followed by an on-air exercise for some of the club members who assembled their own dual-band Yagis using the WA5VJB "Cheap Yagi" design complete with diplexer in July 2007. I've been invited to their hamfests for 3 consecutive years now, in January of each year, and appreciate the hospitality of the club and its membership to have me be a part of their meetings and hamfests over the past couple of years.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/